Sack It, Don't Wrap It and help Sonrisas Therapeutic Riding & the Boys & Girls Club!


Stop by Palmer Feed and Supply, 1318 N. Chadbourne, and Sack up your Christmas Gifts!

Large bags are $3.50, small bags are $3.00, and these bags are the perfect way to keep the kids (and adults) from guessing what's in them. Since the bags are sewn up, there's no way to figure out what the gift is until it's time to open them.

You can also get burlap bags or they can decorate your bag with any ribbons or accessories that you provide.

Sack up everything from guns to jewelry, toys to clothes, boots or anything else! If you're like us and don't like to do Christmas present wrapping, this is the perfect solution!

Sack It, Don't Wrap It and help the Boys & Girls Club & Sonrisas through Dec. 24th at Palmer Feed and Supply, 1318 N. Chadbourne.

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